Why You Should Focus on Improving .NET Core Web Development

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  • Why You Should Focus on Improving .NET Core Web Development
Dev Admin December 22, 2023 0 Comments

Microsoft’s ASP.NET Core lets enterprises build contemporary, cloud-based applications that offer seamless portability. Companies are focusing on .NET Core web development for building their apps due to the many flexibilities the framework offers from web application development.

Before the introduction of ASP.NET Core, companies had limited choice to build custom web applications. The selection of a platform that would match their business goals and compatibility across various operating systems was often a tough choice. 

Interestingly, its next version ASP.NET Core offers a multitude of benefits both for the developers and companies and is gaining rapid attention.

As we move ahead, let us delve into the reasons why you should focus on improving .NET Core Web development. You will also understand what factors give .NET Core an edge over its counterparts.

Benefits from ASP.NET Core Web Development

Side by side versioning

ASP.NET Core offers the ability to run numerous applications on the same system thanks to its Side-by-side versioning feature. Side by side installation is not possible without the .NET framework. 

When you choose .NET Core for your web development, you can run multiple services on a similar server. The framework offers a cost-efficient application development process, low risks, and ease of operation while application updates.

Application Portability and Flexibility

When you choose the ASP.NET Core framework for web application development, your application enjoys cross-platform portability. Besides, .NET Core gives your application the privilege of choosing Windows, Linux, and Docker as the hosting platform. 

You will have the freedom to opt for the hosting option that offers a competent SLA. In terms of the choice for cloud platforms too, nothing beats the liberty a .NET Core Web application provides. Thus, with .NET Core application portability and flexibility step up to the next level.

The perfect pick for cost-effective web development

The main cost of Web application development includes the IDEs and tools that the developers need. ASP.NET Core is a fully open-source framework. Bundles of tools are available for free on .NET Core, thus companies can slash down the costs of technology and tools. 

When migrating your web app code built on .NET Core to a different OS, you need not invest any extra time and cost to develop, maintain, track, and fix the bugs and the code. It is an added benefit for startups and other companies that run on tight budgets. Besides, businesses can divert the technology cost saved by choosing .NET Core to other aspects of their business growth.

Create extensible web applications

ASP.NET Core applications offer the freedom to leverage new libraries to build event-driven apps such as for AWS Lambda and Azure Functions. It is made possible with the in-built dependency injection of the .NET Core framework.

Utilizing this feature, developers need not restrict their choice to a confined third-party framework such as Ninject or Autofactor. ASP.NET Core offers dependency injection innately; thus, you can enjoy the benefits of enhanced testability and extensibility of .NET Core built web applications.

Gives you more compared to other .NET frameworks

.NET Core ranks high when compared to its other .NET counterparts. For instance, when you should choose between .NET MVC and .NET Core, the latter gives many benefits. It enables developers to build applications that are feature-rich and cuts down on the overall coding time too.

For example, the latest .NET Core framework provides seamless support for popular JavaScript frameworks. Thanks to its JavaScriptServices, accessing the built-in templates of Angular and React is effortless with .NET Core. 

Cross-platform application development

Among the developer world, ASP.NET Core is well-known as the “write once, run anywhere” platform. Command Line App, NET Core Web App, Library, and Web API are the multiple scenarios that ASP.NET Core supports with ease.

Building applications that run on diverse operating systems like Linux, Windows and macOS As .NET Core can provide ample features for web application development as well as IoT and mobile application development. That said, designing an application for cloud, devices, and IoT is a cakewalk with .NET Core.

A preferred choice for a diverse community

Due to its plethora of benefits, ASP.NET Core is currently a chosen framework for more than 3700 companies. ASP.NET Core offers many libraries and projects for developers. It has more than 60,000 active developers from all across the globe. All these features make it one of the trusted and dependable choices for your web application development.

The user community of ASP.NET Core extends beyond just the Microsoft community. Tech giants such as Google, RedHat, Unity, Samsung, etc. have been exploring the benefits of .NET Core web development and creating cost-effective and innovative applications for a long.

Assures ease of operation and web application security

Businesses are now mainly concerned about the security of their web applications. With many inbuilt mechanisms for validation, approval, information security, and attack counteraction, ASP.NET Core assures enhanced security for its applications. 

ASP.NET Core web development lets developers design applications in a lesser number of lines of code. This offers ease of handling and working with code for any developer who comes across it. Debugging, maintenance and updates are hence effortless with ASP.NET Core owing to its minimal length of code feature. 

Why should you choose .NET Core web development?

ASP.NET Core web development should be a preferred choice for companies that are focusing on creating cost-effective and cross-platform compatible applications. Also, any applications that are built on the earlier versions of .NET need an upgrade to .NET Core owing to the rapid demand for security, ease of maintenance, and portability onto other operating systems and IoT devices. 


Compared to other frameworks for web application development and its earlier versions, .NET Core provides many developer-friendly and business-friendly features. .NET Core web development reduces the efforts of developers as well as helps companies to build flexible applications in a shorter time.